Pure Cotton Qualification


Project code: NORTE-02-0853-FEDER-013429

Main objective: Strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs

Region of intervention: North

Beneficiary entity: PURE COTTON LDA.

Approval Date: 2015-11-18 Start Date: 2015-05-28 Completion Date: 2017-07-31

Eligible investment: €126,417.10

Financial support from the European Union: €56,887.70

As part of this project, PURE COTTON aims to increase its position of notoriety based on an improvement in organizational and production processes and a consequent improvement in the final product.

PURE COTTON aspires to new challenges, in which knowledge management, quality and the ability to adapt to market changes are determining factors in achieving the objectives set out in its sustainability strategy.

Project objectives

- Collections

Focus on developing collections adapted to the needs/preferences of new markets.

- Qualification

Bet on qualification as the main competitive advantage.

- Technological Innovation

Use of communication and information technologies through technologically advanced solutions.

The project has already been fully implemented.