Pure Cotton Internationalization


Project code: NORTE-02-0752-FEDER-002173

Main objective: Strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs

Region of intervention: North

Beneficiary entity: PURE COTTON LDA.

Approval Date: 2015-11-18 Start Date: 2015-05-28 Completion Date: 2017-07-31

Eligible investment: €144,770.35

Financial support from the European Union: €65,146.66

Taking into account the market's appetite for PURE COTTON's offering, and the increase in consumption capacity in international markets, it is necessary to invest in prospecting, advertising and promotion in the external market, in order to expand its external operations, as well as develop product lines.

Project objectives

- Prospecting

Focus on prospecting new markets and presence at international events.

- Qualification

Bet on qualification as the main competitive advantage.

- Technological Innovation

Use of communication and information technologies through technologically advanced solutions.

The project has already been fully implemented.